Vector Control Service

Stream & Reeds

The most important points to be controlled regarding vector control, especially mosquitoes, are the streams, reeds, lakes and small water deposits.

These natural water basins are the most favorable environments for the survival of mature vectors that have been transformed from larvae to rhubarb as well as providing natural conditions suitable for the development of larvae.

Considering that vectors can travel long distances with the help of winds, the basis of the vector control is the control of such natural/artificial living spaces.

In conditions where it is impossible to intervene from the land due to plant vegetation and geographical conditions biotic insecticide applications are made with amphibic vehicles or BioCopters.

The choice of biological control methods instead of chemical products to break the natural life chain in such water basins is a great responsibility that we should pay attention to for our future. As Biopest, our greatest investment is to make for a healthy future, and to create social awareness in this regard is our greatest effort.


Another important point after natural water basins is waste water lines, cesspools and sewage systems. The areas where the organic load is heavier than natural water basins and the temperature is relatively higher are indispensable habitats especially for mosquitoes, cockroaches and rodents.

Cesspool and sewage systems are compulsory artificial vector habitats brought by modern life. For this reason, they must be carefully controlled.

The fact that sewage systems are closed systems making vector control applications very important in these areas where there is almost no risk of natural predators for the vectors.

In closed sewer systems, vector control applications are made without slowing down in summer and winter conditions by regularly analyzing the water conditions with the channel fogging devices which can produce the special particle size so that the system can be controlled completely for vectors.

Where necessary, larval control applications are being developed using special biological products developed differently from biological products used for natural water resources and resistant to heavy organic load conditions found in cesspools. The aim here is to be able to carry out environmental health-related applications without increasing the current organic load, without using chemicals that can irreversibly damage the environment.

Avenue / Street

In  avenues and streets which are made more sterile compared to natural environments and cesspools, with the awareness that although the points allowed larval development are more limited, but a tiny puddle of water or an organic waste may lead to vector development such as housefly, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and vector control applications continue day and night, summer-winter without slowing down.

For this purpose, ornamental ponds, water for irrigation in the gardens of houses, building base waters, barrels kept for use in construction, water tanks or uncontrolled artificial water basins which can cause water accumulation and abandoned debris houses are inspected and registered with necessary vector controls.

Mosque / School / Hospital

For the control of vectors found in public areas such as mosques, schools, and hospitals biocidal product applications are made that are harmless to human health.


We create a healthier environment through environmental regulation and biocidal product applications in these regions which are suitable for vector reproduction.


The most favorable environments for the development of vectors such as cockroaches and mice, especially houseflies, are litter boxes.

Sanitation and disinfection procedures are regularly carried out in these areas where domestic wastes are collected and harmful organisms are attracted to them.

In order to reduce carbon emissions during these processes, specially developed hybrid vehicles are used.

Boulevard Trees

We are apply tests and applications to make the trees healthy and last longer that beautifies our living spaces.

Vector Control

Vectors are infectious and infective organisms that are involved in the transmission of many diseases and their transformation into outbreaks.

In the past,  millions of people lost their lives because of diseases such as Plague, Malaria and Fever infected with vectors.

Today it can cause outbreaks where vector activities can not be controlled.

Considering that diseases like Zika Virus, Crimean Congo, and Hemorrhagic Fever are infected with vectors, the vector control should be a social program that should be carried out consciously and planning the future, but not as a limited program of fighting.

Vector control applications are therefore far from being a long-term solution if programmed using only insecticides. For this reason, all vector applications should be evaluated within the scope of INTEGRATED CONTROL and solution policies should be developed in this direction.. Common ways of integrated control are considered as Cultural control, Physical control, Biological control, Chemical control.

But as Biopest, we believe that when building the future, the developing technology must also be a part of the integrated control. For this purpose, we are shaping our integrated control policy for vector control applications for Biopest as follows.

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