Management Policy


Our company aims to contribute to increase the productivity of its customers. In addition to this basic objective, in order to continuously improve the performance of our company,

We will continuously train our employees in terms of quality, cost, efficiency, customer orientation and business health and safety,

We will comply with legal and other requirements,

We will protect the health of our employees, our travels and the people of the environment by eliminating the risks of our activities' occupational health and safety,

We will avoid non-compliances, we will not repeat mistakes,

We will work for full customer satisfaction,

We will solve our problems without delay and with the participation of all our employees,

After sales service with our technical services, after sales will be with our customers,

We will ensure that the requirements of the information security objectives are determined,

Through appropriate risk assessment, we will determine the value of information assets, do our activities by understanding the weak points and the threats that may threaten them,

In all of our processes, we will ensure business continuity,



We will provide the necessary resources to continually improve the effectiveness of our management system.


Protection of the Health of the Human Being and of the Environment;

Protection of the rights of the human beings and the other live creatures with whom we share the environment.


A fleet of more than 1,000 vehicles


An equipment fleet of more than 2,000 pieces


Personnel of more than 1,500 people


Field Experience in 14 cities

Our Solution Partners

We have strategic collaborations in order to render better services.