Cultural Controls

Cultural Control

Education plays an important role in solving all problems.

In vector control applications, education and public awareness are our primary goals and we make necessary planning for this purpose.

Information on the biology, lifestyle, breeding grounds, and ways of control of vectors are transferred to the public through all available mass media.

In order to control vectors, local governments are conducting training, brochure posters studies to raise awareness of the issue to a sufficient level by conducting cultural control with other public institutions such as Ministry of Health, schools, hospitals, muhtars, and World Health Organization.

It should be emphasized how the mosquitoes reproduce quickly in puddles in the settlements and surrounding areas by making raising awareness about this issue and aim to control these environments.

Physical Control

The goal of this control is the rehabilitation and removal of vector reproductive areas and adult habitats. 

Within the scope of the mechanical control, the removal of water deposits, the marsh reclamation, the clearing of stream grass and grassy weeds, the closure of water reservoir tops, the closure of irrigation canals and the prevention of stagnant water formation, drainage channels, water wells, septic tanks, taking measures such wire cages, curtains, mosquito nets, etc.; we carry out the sanitization and control processes of all uncontrolled focal points with local government support where vectors can be nested and reproduced such as garbage cans, reclamation of many collection areas.

Biological Control

In addition to cultural and mechanical methods of control, we implement the policy of controlling the laying of the vector, stopping the development of larvae in the life cycle, and controlling it with the reinforcement by biological products that slow down development.

In doing so, we are not only interested in the activity of the target vector, we protect our principles of increasing the use of biodegradable biological preparations in a rapid manner and making vector control applications reliable for today and for the future.

Chemical Control

They are applications to control the density of adult populations.

For this purpose, the most reliable insecticides for environment are preferred which are degraded rapidly in nature.

The applications are planned at appropriate periodic intervals in the vector presence, which can be a risk, after the detection and enumeration of the species trapped in the light traps developed by Biopest by expert entomologists.

Digital Control

Biopest has built vector control program on the Digital Decision Support System in order to record the spread the vectors and to create an institutional memory to record the infectious diseases.

The integration and synchronization of the technology with Biotek GIS is a necessity in terms of institutional memory creation.

The biggest advantage of this system is that it is mobile and with its software no detail remains unconsidered.

Coordinates of the resources are automatically recorded in the system during source scanning.

The activity durations and geographical changes of the insecticides applied in the analyzed sources are recorded in the system and then automatic tasks are assigned to the teams and the  proximity to the team is taken into account by this system during the assignment.

In the context of regular data entry, it is possible to monitor which areas have increased risks in terms of mosquitoes and which periods risks are risen due to analyzes carried out by the artificial neural network, and measures can be taken before the problem occured.

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