

In vector control applications to be carried out in urban areas, even among the neighborhoods and even in areas closed to traffic, result in slowing down and failure of the equipment entering in and exiting  out of these areas and  it can also cause failure of public transpotation as it affects the traffic flow negatively.

The diesel/petrol engines, which are also preferred during the shipment of the necessary equipments in the vector control, also increase the carbon emission in the city.

Our aim in vector control, is to build a more livable environment and to improve the quality of life.

For this reason, BioCycle is designed to enable continuous and effective vector control applications in urban areas where population density is high. It is possible to provide continuous and effective vector control services in points such as narrow streets, coast roads, walkways covered by traffic without need for fossil fuels .

Engine Power 60v 1000 w motor power
Battery Li -ion battery
Storage Unit Full charge in 3 hours with 220 volt charging system
Transmission 3 separate speed levels
Performance Distance of 50-70 km with speed of 25-30 km per hour
2 or 4-stroke ULV engine, 3-liter ULV tank
Low fuel consumption and formulation
Extendable pulverizator hose and telescopic gun up to 7 meters
Total 35 liter polyethlene pulverizator tank on right and left
Ability to control two different chemicals in pulverizator tanks
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Full Test Report and Product License


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Do have difficulties in struggling against vectors? Let’s work together for a healthier and cleaner world.